Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're Back In Arizona Again

We must be crazy!!!! It's a 110 /116 degrees here. It is cooling off thought. It will be a nice 105 in the next few days.

We wanted to come back to check and see how our home and yard, particularly the new plants that we planted in April just before we left.

It was a good thing we came because the line to the drip system split and water was gushing where it wasn't supposed to gush, and nothing was going to the plants.

Our Gardenia bush died. That wasn't a surprise. I expected to lose it even if it got water. They require lots of water and lots of shade, and they don't like hot weather. It didn't get anything it wanted.

We have two Gardenia plants, and the other one is doing well because it is under the neighbor's tree, and she waters it.

We are only staying a week, and will leave here on Monday, spend a few days in Vegas with Dee Anna, and then head home.

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