Friday, May 4, 2007

looking Forward To Hawaii

We're getting ready for our vacation to Hawaii in two weeks. I have been so sick that I am worried that I won't have enough strength to walk around and see the island the way I want to do.

Mike has never been there and is really looking forward to it.

I just get on my feet and then something else knocks me back down. All my problems are related to the foods that my body doesn't tolerate well.

I've been doing a little shopping to pick up a few clothes I need for the trip, and I bought two pairs of shoes. I needed a good pair of shoes to walk in, and hope these will do.

We bought the plane tickets last October when Mike retired from the base. He also paid the hotel fees so that he would know we were really going. We stayed at the Hale Koa on Waikiki beach. It's a military hotel. And is very beautiful. I stayed there in 1976 and 1978.

Hawaii brings back wonderful memories for me.

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