Friday, August 10, 2007


I love doing genealogy! I've spent the past 13 years doing it. For the past week I've added names to Mike's family line of King's and Queen's, that go back to the 1100's. This are the Plantagenet family. King Henry, Edward, of England.

It's very exciting when you connect your family to members of Royalty. We all come from there. It's just fun to find the connection.

I need to go to the library and make a disc to send to John and Karen in Hawaii. I had one for them when we went to Hawaii, but two of the discs didn't work. I would have had that done by now, but just didn't feel well enough to do it. I still don't, but I'm going to get over there and get it done.

I'll be glad when I can get back to Dr. Zone to see what the blood test shows. I certainly hope he can help me get well.

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