Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gluten Intolerant

Many of my posts are about foods that heal, that's because I have a bowel disorder, and I can't digest certain foods. Wheat, and in fact, all grains except rice. I can digest some seeds that are ground into flour and used as grains. These exceptions are: Teff, Quinea, Buckwheat, (no it's not wheat. It's a berry.) I can also have Flax Seed.

Thank Heavens for natural food stores. In Ogden, I go to Good Earth. It's a little pricey, but these stores are the only ones where I can find foods to eat like like: cereals. Even Rice Krispy's have corn in them. I can't have corn. And many of the cereals you might find that seem like they should be ok, are not, because there is no much cross-contamination. They use the same areas to process the rice foods as they do wheat, corn, and oats. It's very frustrating.

They also sell rice breads, rolls, waffles, English Muffins etc., I could go on and on, but I am so happy to find foods to eat.

I have even discovered some treats. I buy the Almond Breeze chocolate milk, put one cup of milk and one banana, a few cut up strawberries in a blender, with some ice, and it makes a wonderful shake! You can vanilla if you want.

I am constantly reading and learning had to heal my body with good food and herbs. I always say, "Eat fresh. As close to the earth as possible, with the exception of worms or dirt of course. (Although, I think there might be more nourishment in both of those than most of the foods people put in their mouths.) I also love organic foods.

We need to learn how to cleanse our bodies by using natural foods and herbs, and increasing the
level of health. I did a lemon cleanse a few months ago and felt very well afterward. My niece Heather was just here visiting two days ago and told me that she had done the same lemon cleanse, but she stayed on it for a week. I wasn't able to do it that long. I have blood sugar problems that won't let me have them much maple syrup.

Heather has always had a problem with bloating, and said that after the cleanse she wasn't bloated near as badly as she normally was.

The lemon cleanse is very simple: 8 ounces of water, two tablespoons juice from a fresh lemon, and 1 tablespoon real maple syrup, and 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cayanne pepper.

The lemon and water cleanse your bowel, the pepper cleanses your blood, and the maple syrup keeps your blood sugar from falling. The maple syrup makes my blood sugar rise and then fall.

Don't use the syrup in the stores that are made for pancakes. In fact, I would tell you never to use that syrup. The maple syrup from the natural health food stores tastes great on pancakes.

So for this cleansing recipe use only real maple syrup from a natural health food store. And make sure it is grade B. That sounds funny, because why wouldn't you use grade A. The reason is because grade A is refined. We want it as natural as possible. Grade C is a little too natural for me. It is straight out of the tree, bugs and all.

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