Thursday, October 18, 2007

I can Hear!

I was so happy last week to learn about prednisone and that it was helping me. But the last two days have offered up the greatest revelation. I found out what is causing my ears to fill up. I would take the prednisone and my ears would start to clear or they would clear, and suddenly they would be full all over again. And then the noise level would increase again.

The last two days I have found 24 foods that I am allergic too! I only knew of 9 of those previously! That is huge!

I am especially allergic to onion and tree nuts! I have been eating onion, walnuts, and almonds everyday for years! I can have peanuts because those are legumes and not from a tree. That is good because I eat peanut butter everyday also.

I'm glad to know about the other foods too. And I was especially happy to find a few foods that I can eat that I didn't think I could. Oats and some corn. Most corn is not good for me, but for some reason I was okay with corn shells for tacos. And popcorn isn't a poison food, just a nutural food. This is really huge because popcorn and tacos are some of my favorite foods. I have to eat tacos without cheese, sour cream, or refried beans though. But that's okay. It's all good. At least I can eat them. And I can eat green chilies and taco sauce that I love, so that's good too.

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