Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Diet Is Sooooo Restrictive!

I try so hard to stay on my diet, but it is so difficult! I wrote many blogs on my other blog Pegsazlife about my aching jaw. I discovered that wheat caused the problem, but when I let that go and it happened again, I realized milk products caused it. Now I realize any high sugar food will cause it.

I was so excited the last few months to find a few treats I could tolerate. One was a chocolate shake I make out of chocolate nut milk, a banana, and I add vanilla and sometimes I add strawberries.

I also found ice cream made from rice milk, and I enjoyed, but have discovered both these things along with some candy I thought I was getting away with and wasn't, all cause sinus infection.

This is very dangerous for me, because the sinus infection can become ear infection, which has caused deafness to some degree in both ears.

I hear 80 decibels below normal in my left ear, and have to wear a hearing aid, and I hear 40 decibels below normal from my right ear, and could eventually go completely deaf like my sweet uncle Jimmy did.

He had vertigo and Meiner's disease most of his life and was totally deaf in both ears most of his life. I felt so sorry for him, and now I have the same problem. I think it's caused from the same problem. Celiac Sprew.

Many patients who suffer form Celiac can have milk and sugar, but many of us have to avoid wheat, milk, sugar, and for me it's even more. I can't tolerate corn, oats, barley, well any grains except rice. I have found a few seeds that are ground into grains, such as: Teff, buckwheat, and quinau, which I've spelled wrong.

It's a tough diet to live on. People ask me what I eat and I tell them, "meat, fish, eggs, fruit, vegetables, and rice." Basically, the foods we should all be eating.

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