Monday, October 29, 2007

October 29, 1929

You're probably too young to know what this date is famous for. So am I, except I love the stock market and know enough about it to know that that is the day of the stock market crash. That was almost 30 years ago, and thank heavens, Monday October 29, 2007 the stock market was up.

Mike and I applied for a loan today to buy one of the foreclosures here in the valley, and the loan officer was asking about our assets. I gave him the total of our stock account and then went into it for see what it really was, since it changes by the minute and Mike and I did a high-five. Our account was up $2000 since two weeks ago, and $1000 since yesterday. We were happy to say the least.

There was also a big crash in 1869. They named it Black Friday. Now we refer Black Friday to the day after Thanksgiving when we all shop till we drop. Dropping from shopping exhaustion is better than dropping out of a window. That's what happened during the 1929 stock market crash. Stock brokers literally committed suicide by jumping out the windows. Horrible! I hope we never see that day again.

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